Changing Background and Text Color of HTML Elements

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Question: Can I programmatically change the color of an HTML element from JavaScript?

Answer: Yes, it's possible to set or read the background and text colors of individual HTML elements such as <A>, <DIV>, <SPAN>, and others. To change the background color for a specific HTML element on the page, set the property to the desired color value. Similarly, to change the text color (or foreground color), use the property

Modern browsers accept color and backgroundColor values in any of these formats:

  • any of the predefined color names (e.g. 'red', 'blue', 'purple', 'navy')
  • rgb(Rvalue,Gvalue,Bvalue) - for example, rgb(255,0,0) for red
  • hexadecimal color string #RRGGBB (e.g. '#FF0000' for red, '#0000FF' for blue, '#FFFFFF' for white)

    The following demo allows you to change the colors for the highlighted <SPAN> elements (Element 1 and Element 2). Click on the hyperlink red, navy, purple, etc. - and the <SPAN> elements will be programmatically changed to the color you clicked.

     Element 1  Change the background color to any of the following: 
    maroon peru red rgb(255,255,0) lime aqua #BBBBDD teal navy purple
     Element 2  Change the foreground color to any of the following: 
    maroon peru red rgb(255,255,0) lime aqua #BBBBDD teal navy purple

    This demo uses the functions setBgColorById and setColorById for changing the background and text color of any given HTML element, as specified by the input arguments id (the element ID) and sColor (the desired color):

    function setBgColorById(id,sColor) {
     var elem;
     if (document.getElementById) {
      if (elem=document.getElementById(id)) {
       if ( {;
        return 1;  // success
     return 0;  // failure
    function setColorById(id,sColor) {
     var elem;
     if (document.getElementById) {
      if (elem=document.getElementById(id)) {
       if ( {;
        return 1;  // success
     return 0;  // failure
    To read the current background color of an HTML element, given the element ID, you can use the function getBgColorById(id):
    function getBgColorById(id) {
     var elem;
     if (document.getElementById) {
      if (elem=document.getElementById(id)) {
       if ( return '';
     return 'undefined';
    Interestingly, the returned color format may depend on the browser. For example, Firefox returns 'rgb(187, 187, 221)' even when the color was set to '#BBBBDD'. Internet Explorer does it the other way round: IE returns '#bbbbdd' even if the color was set to 'rgb(187, 187, 221)'. You can always use the Hex-to-RGB and RGB-to-Hex converters to switch between these two equivalent color formats.

    See also:
  • RGB to Hex color converter
  • Hex to RGB color converter
  • Hex to CMYK color converter
  • RGB to CMYK color converter  
  • Changing the page background color
  • Predefined color names
  • Applying another stylesheet to my page
  • Changing the mouse cursor style

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